Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero perfectly encapsulates what people love about the series: the giant energy beams, passionate screaming, and even the comedy is intact, with characters like Yajirobe creating an online meta with appropriate antics. And of course there are the eponymous mystical Dragon Balls, and the various dragons they can summon.
Read More: Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero’s ‘Bean Daddies’ Are Using Yajirobe To Destroy Everyone
Much like in the series, DBSZ’s dragons can grant you wishes, creating a fun, albeit ill-explained mechanic to unlock a variety of things. We’ll be going over the best way to collect the different Dragon Balls, as well as the highlights for summoning each dragon.
Click Next to begin learning everything you need to know about, er, Dragon Balls.
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Dragon Ball: Sparkling Zero eschews the majority of the franchise’s many different iterations for unique dragons and the magical items associated with them, boiling it down to three types. Here is a breakdown of every set and how we’ve been able to earn them.
Given that we can confirm at least two of them will drop from Battles, you’ll want to complete as many as possible. The most effective method I’ve found for farming Dragon Balls is to play a Battle against a CPU on the World Tournament Stage, with Out-of-Bounds rules on. All you need to do to win is knock them off the stage and onto the ground. I acquired Dragon Balls more often when playing on higher difficulties, although you might enjoy the pacing of fighting against a weaker CPU.
Equipping some ability items to raise your Ki is a fantastic strategy if you can combo into a Beam or Blast Super. Starting a match with Gogeta Blue’s Stardust Blaster against Hercule or a larger opponent is practically guaranteed to send them out of bounds. Another option is to go in as Great Ape Vegeta and try to throw the opponent out of the ring, which can feel pretty cathartic after fighting the big monster. No matter who you use, your goal should be to finish a match within 30 seconds.
Read More: Struggling With Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero’s Great Ape Vegeta? We’ve Got You
I do want to share a word of caution though: you cannot collect more Dragon Balls once you have a full set. A message will pop up to say that you can’t accept another one of the same type because you have too many. I held onto mine in hopes that it would make it more likely for the other types to pop up, but I ended up with more messages if anything. You should aim to use the Dragon Ball sets as soon as possible.
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Summoning Shenron gives you access to a single wish. I’d argue he’s middle of the pack in what he offers, but that depends entirely on what you want to unlock. Here are your choices with this dragon:
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Things work a bit differently with Porunga. He can’t raise your Player Level or Outfits, and he provides less Zeni, but he has the advantage of granting you three wishes. You can also acquire Ability Items from him. Here’s the breakdown:
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Super Shenron offers an exclusive category, letting you wish for a character. There are a lot of methods to unlock every Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero character, but two of them can be acquired early this way. They’re both thematically appropriate to this dragon and they certainly are fan favorites.
The remainder of his choices are also pretty enticing. He gives you everything the other dragons can, and he grants far more Zeni and player experience. Here’s everything you can get from Super Shenron:
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Every dragon can grant help completing an Episode Battle. Choosing that wish will give you an exclusive item called a Dragon Orb. These can be used only when hovering over an Episode Battle with branching paths, as they make the secondary objectives easier to meet. Even though a lot of these objectives just require you to win within a certain time, using a Dragon Orb for a bit more leeway can be a big help. The only caveat is that you won’t earn victory rewards from it, but that’s not too bad of a trade-off to see some really fun what-if stories.
This option won’t pop up until you’ve come across an Episode Battle with potential branching paths. Although that occurs early on in Goku’s story, those who immediately spent a lot of time in multiplayer modes or received a free Shenron summon—depending upon which edition they purchased—would likely not have seen this. Make sure to keep an eye out for this option if you didn’t see it during your first summon(s)!
Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero doesn’t spend much time explaining the nuances of summoning the dragons, and leaves it all for us to discover. As fun as that idea is, nobody likes to feel like they made the wrong choice, especially with how rare it can be to see Porunga and Super Shenron.
The best choice for you depends entirely on preference and how far along you are, but you should be better equipped to select a more favorable option. Go out and make your wishes in confidence!
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