Fortnite Now Lets You Turn Into Doctor Doom, With All His Powers

Fortnite Now Lets You Turn Into Doctor Doom, With All His Powers

You can now become Doctor Doom in Fortnite Chapter 5, Season 4, without buying the battle pass! But it’s worth pointing out that becoming Doom will require a little bit of luck and a lot of skill. With that in mind, this guide will detail everything you need to know about becoming Reed Richard’s number-one hater, from now until October 5 at 1:30 PM ET.

To become Doctor Doom, without turning to a life of world-destroying crime, you’ll first need to survive until Loot Island appears—that usually happens mid-game, and the map will show you where it is. In addition, it will need to be a special variant of the island known as Doom’s Cauldron, which has a slight chance of replacing the usual floating island. You’ll know when this happens because you’ll see a giant prompt appear on the screen letting you know.

Capturing the Doom’s Cauldron is very similar to capturing Loot Island. All you have to do is stand in its radius and let the bar fill up. Just be careful, because it’s very likely a good portion of the lobby will try to do the same, so be prepared for a fight.

Once you’ve successfully captured Doom’s Cauldron, he’ll appear, and you’ll be able to talk to Doom. After he’s done yapping, press and hold the action button to embrace his powers.

This will trigger a cool cutscene of your character flying up in the sky and transforming into Doom. After it’s done, you’ll begin free-falling down, and be able to play as him.

Playing as Doctor Doom is extremely fun, but you will die immediately if you don’t know how to use him. The first thing you’ll need to know is that Doom is extremely tall, making him easier to hit than your standard player. He also has 500 HP and Shield and can’t use any items to heal himself. That being said, there are ways to regain health. The first is by killing other players, because you’re evil now. You can also break shield kegs or have a buddy throw chug splashes at you to heal up.

Doom has various powers to enjoy. His primary attack is the gauntlets you can get by killing the Doombot in Castle Doom. His secondary is a bit different, shooting out a straight beam that can be moved around as you fire it. He also has a move called Mystical Gigabomb, and as the name suggests, it’s a giant bomb that you can shoot towards enemies.

As for his last few abilities, he can jump high up in the air and hover. While in the air, you can Dive Kick towards anyone near you. On top of that, Doom has the ultimate sprint.

Perhaps the most important thing to know is, if you die as Doom, you won’t be able to come back as him, ever. So be mindful of how aggressively you’re playing, because once Doom is gone, he’s gone. Make the most of your moment.


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