Footage Of Monolith's Canceled Nolan Batman Game That Became Shadow Of Mordor Appears Online

Footage Of Monolith's Canceled Nolan Batman Game That Became Shadow Of Mordor Appears Online

Codenamed Project Apollo, this Nolanverse Batman game would have featured the likeness of Christian Bale’s Dark Knight, the “Tumbler” Batmobile, plenty of gadgets, and a unique spin on the Caped Crusader’s detective work. 

The open world of Gotham could be traversed by either gliding and utilizing the grappling hook (as established in the Arkham games) or by operating the Tumbler/Batmobile.

Dageekydude then shows off some of the gadgets at Batman’s disposal and how detective work would have looked in-game before showcasing footage of a stealth sequence. The combat would have been based on the Arkham system, according to Dageekydude. 

Early stealth sequence and combat mechanics (Latter would’ve been based on the Arkham system)

The last bit of information shared by Dageekydude is that this Nolanverse Batman game would have been the debut of Monolith’s Nemesis system, where enemies retain memories of Batman in future combat encounters. Dageekydude says this feature was meant to distinguish the game from Rocksteady’s Arkham games, despite other shared elements. 

However, Warner Brothers apparently didn’t like the idea of two concurrent Batman franchises (what would have been this Nolanverse game and the Arkham games) so this Nolanverse game was retooled into a game set in the world of The Lord of the Rings; It became Shadow of Mordor. DidYouKnowGaming also says Nolan himself might have canceled the game as a result of wanting to focus on the trilogy’s third film, The Dark Knight Rises, as noted by IGN.  

Would you have preferred this Nolanverse Batman game over Shadow of Mordor? Let us know in the comments below!

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