Flying Terminid Bugs Have Snuck Into Helldivers 2

Flying Terminid Bugs Have Snuck Into Helldivers 2

Helldivers 2 developer Arrowhead Game Studios quietly snuck flying Terminid bugs into the game in the latest update, it seems. Windows Central noticed flying Shrieker bugs are enemies that appear on planets plagued with Terminids and while official accounts for the game play coy, more and more players are running into them. 

Shrieker Lairs, like the Spore Towers and Terminid egg nests can be destroyed up close and from afar with a well-placed rocket, grenade, or strategem. 

Keep your eyes on the skies, Helldivers and remember…DEMOCRACY.

[Source: Windows Central]

Have you encountered any flying Terminids? Let us know in the comments below!

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