Every Team-Up Attack In Marvel Rivals, Explained

Every Team-Up Attack In Marvel Rivals, Explained

It certainly feels appropriate that a cooperative game based on superheroes and villains would let them work together to take out the opposition. Marvel Rivals takes that to heart with its Team-Ups mechanic, which allows certain character combinations to unlock stat boosts or even special moves.

Read More: 11 Things To Know Before Starting Marvel Rivals

There are 33 characters and 15 of these special cooperative abilities. It stands to reason that we’ll see more of the latter as additional characters are added in the future seasons. That means Team-Ups are a standout mechanic that will always have some influence on who you want to play as. You’ll benefit greatly from knowing every Team-Up Ability in Marvel Rivals.

Team-Up Abiltiies are powerful expressions of teamwork and are exclusive skills between two or three heroes. Team-Up Abilities commonly work with one hero acting as an initiator and provider of special buffs or moves, while the other hero (or two) can receive it if they’re on the same team. Their benefits are usually pretty one-sided, but there is no downside to using them. Each one is additive and merely gives you more options.

A great example is Voltaic Union. Activated by Thor, he can provide Storm and/or Captain America with a buff that enhances their attacks. Only one of them has to be on a team with Thor to receive the buffs, but both can receive it if all three characters are fighting together.

Below is a breakdown of every Team-Up Ability added with the launch of Marvel Rivals. We’re including the ability name and a description of what the ability is. The heroes that can take part will also be mentioned, with those in bold being the initiators who provide the buffs.

We’re using the Team-Up Ability name from the Team-Ups screen on the main menu. Every hero involved in one of these has a distinct name for their role in the ability. It can get a little confusing, so we’ll just be using the main title.

Team-Up Abilities aren’t necessary to win matches in Marvel Rivals, but your team will likely have better chances with some at your disposal. Knowing these can also give you insight into what strategies or extra skills your opponents might be planning on using. Cooperate with your team, make some crossplay friends, and have fun out there!

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