Revealed in a new trailer during the 2024 Summer Game Fest showcase, Slitterhead’s debut gameplay trailer starts in a Chinese city, with a police detective searching through a trashed ally. He finds what appears to be a mangled body in a trash can before the trailer shows more of the neon-lit Chinese metropolis, with shots of (presumably) our playable protagonist jumping from high above to the ground below while using some spectral power that allows them to possess bodies of pedestrians. We also get a look at Slitterhead’s monstrous creatures and third-person survival action gameplay, which features both guns and melee combat.
Check it out for yourself in the Slitterhead gameplay trailer below:
As you can see, Slitterhead is looking quite action-packed, especially compared to Toyama’s Silent Hill efforts. However, the lineage is clear.
Slitterhead hits PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, and PC on November 8.
What do you think about this first look at Slitterhead’s gameplay? Let us know in the comments below!
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