Neil Druckmann Teases Next Naughty Dog Game: 'It Could Redefine Mainstream Perceptions Of Gaming'

Neil Druckmann Teases Next Naughty Dog Game: 'It Could Redefine Mainstream Perceptions Of Gaming'

In an interview with his parent company on, Last of Us co-creator Neil Druckmann talks about AI and briefly teases Naughty Dog’s next game. Druckmann is expectedly vague about Naughty Dog’s next big project but offers an enticing tease, saying, “I’m eager to see how this new game resonates, especially following the success of The Last of Us, as it could redefine mainstream perceptions of gaming.”

The interview, however, primarily focuses on technology and how it improves and makes it easier for creators to tell unique stories. Regarding AI, Druckmann says, “AI is really going to revolutionize how content is being created, although it does bring up some ethical issues we need to address. With technologies like AI and the ability to do motion capture right from home, we’re reducing both costs and technical hurdles, opening the door for us to take on more adventurous projects and push the boundaries of storytelling in games.”

He also briefly touches on the future of The Last of Us TV show, citing that modern technology has allowed him to oversee the TV show’s second season remotely from Los Angeles while it shoots in Canada.

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