Neil Druckmann Says Naughty Dog 'Will Not Be The Last Of Us Studio Forever,' Multiple Single-Player Projects In Development

Neil Druckmann Says Naughty Dog 'Will Not Be The Last Of Us Studio Forever,' Multiple Single-Player Projects In Development

Naughty Dog won’t be The Last of Us studio forever, according to studio president Neil Druckmann. He told the LA Times this in a new interview, which is where he also said the studio has multiple single-player projects in development, as reported by VideoGamesChronicle.

“I promise you, we will not be The Last of Us studio forever,” Druckmann said, revealing the team is working on “multiple single-player projects.” He continued, adding, “We create experiences that are steeped in story and characters, especially relationships. The stories have some sort of philosophical core that everything is going to revolve around and feed into.”

However, he and those on the task were struggling. They went to Naughty Dog’s then-president Evan Wells, who retired last year, and asked, “Do we need to do Jak and Daxter?” Wells said no, and Druckmann told the LA Times, “Immediately the lightbulb went off” as the time for what would become The Last of Us had arrived. And the rest is history. 

[Source: LA Times via VideoGamesChronicle]

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