In a game like Civilization VII, the leader you choose makes as much of a difference as how you play and the type of win condition you seek. If you want to rule the world, a military leader will provide the manpower and firepower. But an economic-focused leader makes the most sense if you’d rather toss gold around like candy. And with so many leaders to choose from, picking the meta faction—especially in a multiplayer game—requires know-how. Here’s a look at the best leaders in Civilization VII for each win condition.
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If you’re one for aesthetics, you might choose Charlemagne in Civilization VII, simply because he’s rather regal and powerful in appearance. He dons a cape, a crown, and a sword on his waist, making it clear he’s a ruler. But more sensibly, he’s one of the best military leaders in the 4X strategy game, thanks to his various bonuses:
The heavy focus on cavalry means that, especially in the early game, Charlemagne players can wipe the floor with low-level civilizations in the surrounding area. When you meet a city-state, for instance, send in the horses!
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Whenever I play Civilization, I usually opt for a Cultural Victory, as I find it most entertaining to turtle against my enemies and build a lasting, rich empire. In the case of Civilization VII, Hatshepsut, the God’s Wife of Amun, is the ideal Culture leader due to her bonuses:
Of course, Culture and Economic win conditions go hand-in-hand, and Hatshepsut’s boon rewards importing additional resources from outside of her empire. If you’re willing to venture into the world of diplomacy, building a trade network with surrounding players or Civilizations, you’ll find a Cultural Victory well within your grasp.
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Like a Cultural Victory, an Economic Victory relies on diversification. With all of that Gold, you can buy more potent military units, speed up construction, and expand your empire tenfold. For that, you want to select Amina in Civilization VII. The Warrior Queen of Zazzau’s name suggests she’s more militaristic, and to some extent she is with her +1 Combat Strength boon, but the money and resources pulled in per turn tip the scales.
As you can see, Amina’s bonuses are all straightforward, plus-one boons that ensure, as the game goes on, that you grow in strength and riches. If you choose a strategic location for your empire, namely in the flat Plains, you’ll find your military units unstoppable. Should you lose any of your forces, the additional Gold allows you to immediately purchase replacements, sending in the reinforcements.
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If I’m not vying for a Cultural Victory, I’m usually winning the space race with a Science Victory. In the case of Civilization VII, the iconic Benjamin Franklin, known as The First American, pairs Diplomacy with Science for a more relaxed gameplay style that allows for turtling and slow-moving players to expand at a comfortable pace.
With his strong focus on Production and Science, both seamlessly melding, you can rush construction projects and gain additional Science. It’s a cohesive plan that expands the empire while internally bolstering power levels through technology, such as modern-day weaponry like missiles and tanks. Oh, and he unlocks America during the Modern Age, which is always a fan-favorite powerhouse!
While Civilization VII wasn’t received well upon launch, the 4X strategy game still has plenty to offer genre fans, especially with a roadmap that should lead to greatness. Civ VII is out now on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch.
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