Your Physical Game Collection Won't Work On PS5 Pro Without An $80 Add-On

Your Physical Game Collection Won't Work On PS5 Pro Without An $80 Add-On

Sony just announced the PlayStation 5 Pro, and the $700 console feels like a premium device for the most graphics-brained folks you know. The game comparisons we’ve seen so far look at least somewhat better than they do on the base hardware, but is it enough to drop more than half a grand for a new console? That’s in the eye of the beholder, but if you’re considering making the jump, you should probably know that the device doesn’t play game discs. If you want to play the physical games you own, you’ll have to shell out even more money for an attachable disc drive.

The disc drive will run you $79.99, and you can find it at most of the usual spots: PlayStation has it on its own store, Amazon is selling it, and so is Walmart, Target, Best Buy, and GameStop. Right now none of these stores have any kind of sale going on, but if I were you, I’d see if you can find one pre-owned. Right now, there are a few cheaper listings in places like eBay. If you’re going to buy a $700 console, you should save whatever money you can when ensuring it has all the same functions as the $500 alternative.

Also, just so you know, the PlayStation 5 Pro doesn’t have the vertical stand that lets you place your system upright in your media console or on your desk. Buying one of those is another $29.99 through Sony directly, but you can find it a little cheaper at places like GameStop. Ultimately, if you want your PS5 Pro to do everything the original box can do while also making your games slightly prettier, you will have to shell out around another $100. God, laying it all out like that really puts it into perspective, huh? I’m not here to tell you what to do with your money, though. Live your best life.


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