Slitterhead, As Told By Steam Reviews

Slitterhead, As Told By Steam Reviews

Created by the same talent behind the Silent Hill and Siren series, Slitterhead was already positioned to perform well within the horror gaming community. With a unique premise, including possession and body horror, along with a vibrant city full of glowing neon lights illuminating the ever-present darkness, the third-person action-oriented horror game stood a great chance at making waves. Despite the studio’s reputation and history, they remained an indie outfit, which likely explains the game’s somewhat soft, understated reception.

Slitterhead achieved some respectable numbers on launch and garnered “Very Positive” reviews on Steam. Like any new game release, there were plenty of negative reviews from users who found the overall experience bland, low-budget, or outright janky due to its controls and combat mechanics. From firsthand experience, combat was somewhat awkward initially, but it’s rather easy to pick up the core components, making it an overall breeze to defeat the creatures known as Slitterheads.

On the positive review side of things, most players love the unique combat mechanics and world design, along with the creatures themselves. They point toward the engaging gameplay, a distinct experience breaking from the norm, and a nostalgia trip back to the days of PlayStation 2-era gaming. Many of these reviews seem overzealous in their search for nostalgic gaming experiences, but if Slitterhead speaks to them in such a way, there’s nothing wrong with letting others enjoy the game to such great heights!

But on the negative review side, many players found the gameplay dated and dull, calling it a remaster of old titles. Others wanted a pure survival horror game, and the reliance on combat really pushed them out of the experience.

Slitterhead is undoubtedly a unique experience that, years down the line, many might come to consider a hidden gem, thanks in no small part to a cult following. It’s that type of game. But if you’re on the fence now and are looking for some unique perspectives, here’s Slitterhead, as told by Steam reviews!

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